Public Accounts Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
20 September 2011


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Bethan Webber
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8032






1.   Apologies and substitutions 



Private session

Subject to the Committee’s agreement, items 3 to 8 of the meeting will be held in private session under Standing Order 17.42(ix)




2.   Introduction to the Public Accounts Committee  (Pages 1 - 2)



3.   Introduction to the Auditor General for Wales and the Wales Audit Office (9.15 - 9.45)  (Pages 3 - 14)

Huw Vaughan Thomas, Auditor General for Wales

Gillian Body, Assistant Auditor General – Performance Audit

Anthony Barrett, Wales Audit Office Partner





4.   Approach to forward work planning (9.45 - 10.15)  (Pages 15 - 25)



5.   Audit Legislation - (10.15-10.30)  (Pages 26 - 35)



6.   Procurement Update  (10.30 - 10.40)   

Update on the procurement process for appointing auditors of the accounts of the Auditor General for Wales.



7.   Other Business   


Oral update on Audit Commission legislation




Public Session (10.50-11.00)



8.   Issues of governance and accountability of the Auditor General for Wales (10.50 - 11.00)  (Pages 36 - 38)

PAC(4)-02-11 Paper 1


The Committee is to discuss mechanisms to consider the issues of governance and accountability in relation to the Auditor General for Wales.
